Sunday, February 17, 2013

Is NOTHING sacred???

This isn't a real post's just me wanting to share with you a little something that made me go "What the???""

~A Historical Aside: When The Girl was really wee, under two probably, she used to say "WHAT the??" all the time, with the most hilarious intonation. Then along came The Boy and he started to say "WHAT the??" too. It always cracked me up and I was never sure where they got it from because, hard as it might be to believe, I actually took great pains to keep my potty mouth in check in front of the children.~ back to the sharing of a little something... I just took a peek at my blog's stats and this is what I saw:

Search Keywords

scaredy squirrel naked sex pics

"WHAT the??"

My beloved Scaredy Squirrel has naked sex pics??

Say it ain't so!!!


...even if he DOES have naked sex pics, what kind of sick bastard would Googling them?? <---- no need to answer that. I think I probably have an idea. Hopefully, it's not some potential employer doing a background check on young Scaredy.


...HOW the hell did the search words "scaredy squirrel naked sex pics" lead someone to my blog?? And do I really want that member of society's underbelly hanging around??

No way, Jose!!

Except now I've kinda paved a direct route from Google to my blog for anyone searching the words "scaredy squirrel naked sex pics"....

....kinda shot myself in the foot with this one.


Anyhow, this is the way Scaredy will always ALWAYS look to me:

I heart Scaredy Squirrel...a lot.

p.s. For anyone who might be interested, here is a link to a post that explains my relationship with Scaredy and where it all began.... Reader Beware!!.


  1. Karen.. come on girl. You've been on the internets long enough to know that for every wonderful, amazing thing ... there is also a naked sex pic of it.
    Big B will no doubt let you in on the My Little Pony sex pics!
    It's horrifying.

    I once wrote about how I have a vegetable and fruit crushing fetish and the hits I got from that!!! I even had emails from sicko's wanting pictures of me crushing stuff.

    Ok so... maybe I shouldn't be using myself as an example because I'm pretty sure you're now thinking that I'm probably one of society's sick underbelly's. ;)

    Anyhow.. yes. Ahem....

    Btw.. I totally bought one of the Scaredy Squirrel books because of you! I had never noticed them until I started reading your blog.
    I'm so glad that you found him when you needed him most. :)



  2. Laura - I know the cyber world is a dark twisted creature with countless sicko secrets but naked sex pics of Scaredy Squirrel????!!!! C'mon!!!! Although, if My Little Pony has been tainted I guess it's only fair that Scaredy takes a hit, too.
    A fruit/veggie crushing fetish for reals??? Whodda thunk?? My fetish eye opener took place when I Google image searched "prolapsed cat rectum" ... yikes.

    (And, that's very cool that you bought a Scaredy Squuirrle book...aren't they awesome!!??)

  3. Apparently Autocorrect was out on a smoke break when I attempted to type "Squirrel" that last time...

  4. My beloved Scaredy Squirrel has naked sex pics??

    Scaredy made some bad decisions when he was young, and needed the money.

    You don't even want to know about... shudder... bronies.

  5. Karen.. come on girl. You've been on the internets long enough to know that for every wonderful, amazing thing ... there is also a naked sex pic of it.

    The Internet is for porn.

    I even had emails from sicko's wanting pictures of me crushing stuff

    I have a friend who is an "alternative" model, and she did a video shoot for some guy who just wanted her to stomp on toy cars while wearing high heels.


Hi there!!
Thanks for taking the time to say a lil' something!!
Much appreciated.