Friday, December 30, 2011

This Post Promised to Be the Best Post Ever...

....please note the use of the past tense :(

So here's the story...

Picture this, if you will... 

Me... standing in a fabulously steamy hot shower becoming increasingly excited...breathless with anticipation...on the verge of exploding ....with all sorts of awesome ideas for an "End of Year Wrap-Up/Best-Of squirrel_e_girl" blog post.

 ~not exactly where you thought I was going with  this is it? heh heh heh ...I'm tricky that way~

Anyway, back to the matter at hand...

I had a TON of super excellent stuff to write about bouncing around in my little steamed-up brain (seasoned "Musings" readers may remember that I've made mention of the fact that I do my best work in the shower) and I was raring to go and more than ready to pull an all-nighter in order to get it all down on virtual paper when I was stopped dead in my little squirrelly tracks....

Oh yeah...I remember now...

I took a wee sleeping pill (and an Advil) before I hopped into the shower so I'd be all nicely ready to sleep by the time my head hit my pillow....Thinking ahead, you see. Time management like you've never experienced.

Damn. There goes my night of inspired blogging....right down the drain. 

I wish I had been candidly filmed just so I could see the expression of abject disappointment when that unhappy realization sunk in .... I woulda looked a little something like this :( ....but way sadder.

Actually, once I stop and think about what I just wrote, I believe I will rescind that particular one needs to see me being candidly filmed ...or uncandidly for that matter...whilst in the shower.

Ok... I gotta eyes are getting heavy and if there's one thing I know it's that Blogging and Sleeping Pills don't mix.

Blog Respsonsibly, Kids.


More tomorrow.

Friday, December 23, 2011

A Quick Peek at My Diet This Week Past...

You know what's delicious?


You know what else is delicious?

Chocolate covered almonds.

You know what else is delicious?

Pump-i-kin pie with real whipped cream. (In fact, I'd even go so far as to say that it is too delicious for its own/my own good.)

You know what is not delicious?

White Chocolate Cranberry Pistachio Bark.

Did the President not give it a little taste before he made this particular Choice? Whatever was he thinking?

Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Chickadee Has Landed.

Remember way back at the beginning of November, when I wrote that lots 'o' shit had gone down in squirrel_e_girl world during the month of October...and then, instead of relaying all the aforementioned October shit that had gone down, I proceeded to write a silly list of reasons why I like to write lists?

Yeah, well... all the shit that went down in October still went down... obviously...but since then...actually, since this morning... some shit has just gone down that is even more exciting than all that aforementioned/unmentioned October shit...

~I'm now going to stop using the word 'shit' because it's starting to sound a little base...To hell with maintaining a sense of continuity ... I choose to maintain a sense of class~

....Something has recently transpired that is waaaaaay more exciting than buying a house and then nearly not buying a house(because apparently the mortgage provider kinda forgot...after initially approving us and said house... that they actually kinda don't mortgage Panabode log homes...ummm...ok...You did realize, of course, Big Important Mortgage People, that this deal was to close in less than 2 weeks when you pulled the f#%king rug out from under us, right?!...oops). And then buying, again, the house that has very instantly become my absolute dream home.

... Something has recently taken place that is waaaaaay more exciting and interesting (although waaaaaay less weird) than the fact that my Sweetie and I purchased this awesomely excellent dream home from vendors who just happen to be my Erstwhile Sister-in-Law and Erstwhile Brother-In-Law ... and ... we used a realtor who just happens to be my Erstwhile Husband. That's ok...take a minute to absorb all that...




~And to add to the Flowers in the Attic-i-ness of the situation...the reason my S.I.L/B.I.L decided to sell this fabulous spot in the first place is that they had an excellent once-in-a-lifetime kinda opportunity to move in with my Erstwhile Parents-in-Law into their big beautiful lakeside home...Fingers and toes crossed for everyone involved in that land-mine/time-bomb laden set-up. I love you all immensely...but you're all crackers~

...Something has recently come to pass that is even waaaaay more exciting than, after 3 years of living with super duper crap internet (First, we made do with frustratingly primitive, forehead-bangingly slow dial-up internet. Then, we "progressed" to retardedly expensive, slow and erratic (which is nowhere near as cool as slow and erotic) Rocket Stick 3G internet. Then, we moved on and up to the not-as-retardedly expensive but equally slow and erratic (again, not as cool as slow and erotic) Rocket Hub 3G internet) ... we now have real live HIGH SPEED CABLE INTERNET!!!!*cue choir of beatific angels belting out a chorus of "HALLELUJAH!!!"

Life is Good. Really. Really. Good. THE most exciting shit to go down in these last few crazy exciting months is...

Drumroll, please....

There is a chickadee at my feeder.

 And ...


Since I began writing this post, that one lone chickadee has been joined by several other chickadee-dee-dees and...a nuthatch.


Now, this may not be super crazy exciting to some of you, but to me, a self-admitted, dare I say, self-proclaimed wienie....this is HUGE. 

You see, before we left our old place, I had to gradually stop feeding all the birdie friends I had gathered over the past year....including our lovely little cardinal family... and that made me more than a wee bit sad.

 So, this weekend, I set about to cultivate my new crop of birds. We put both of my old feeders up and I also filled the 2 feeders that the previous owner/bird girl (the always wonderful MMW) had left here till spring. So, that means, I had 4... count 'em ... FOUR... feeders primed and ready to go. 


....and for 3 long dreary days they stood desolate and bare.

...mocking me with their blatant birdlessness  :(

Until this morning!!!!


I have birds again!!!

Thank you, my wee little chickadee-dee-dees...and nuthatch. I will take good care of you this winter. I promise.

All is now well in squirrel_e_girl world.

Stay Tuned for more super duper awesomely exciting updates from my feeders ;)